Whistling while Walking through Charamarende Castle, 2009

This work is a series of recordings focussing on the act of whistling within public and semi-public situations (3min 44sec).

The idea for this work was to make rooms of various sizes, constructed from various materials, resonate and thereby establish an audible representation of the uniqueness of the building. The building was chosen due to its en-suite room formation, which is based on the Renaissance construction principle; in this case one room leads to the next in a circular movement. This idea was inspired by the way optical sound sits on an optical sound strip on a 35 mm movie film. In this case a long line of small irregular black shapes form the strip, while the rooms in the castle forming a line somehow resemble this. On the optical movie strip each small black element in the row represents a kind of audible sound like letters in an alphabet. I was interested in listening to the rooms in the castle in a similar manner, with each room conceived as a sound or a letter in a word.

To make the rooms resonate I asked the French writer and historian Nicolas Idier to walk slowly through the rooms, whistling intermittently whatever tune that came to his mind whenever he felt like it. The recording is part of a proposal for Den Fri Udstillings building in Copenhagen. This building also shares with the castle its special en-suite formation of space.